Sunday, January 25, 2009


Have you ever had that feeling that you want to do something really different, but you have no idea what that is? I woke up with that feeling today and it has persisted. What to do? I just have no idea! It is a Sunday , perhaps the day for reflection, it is a lovely sunny day but very frosty- and I just cannot get my brain into first gear! Everything here is good, we went out for a 'power walk' , did some pruning in the grounds, painted a gate extension, had bacon and eggs for brunch, took afternoon tea with home made bread pudding --- but still that nagging feeling. Perhaps I should start another blog-- from a completely different point of view, perhaps we should buzz off for a few days break down south , perhaps I should just shut up about this!

Tomorrow will be better , more action to get to grips with; the pool men are coming to try to fix their 'mistake' when they constructed the swimming pool , i.e. they did not take into account the fact that the soil is clay here and holds water and they did not put a drain all around the pool. Consequently each time it rains heavily the pool liner floats to the surface of the pool because
water seeps in underneath it! So now they have to dig this deep trench all around our pool and (hopefully) 'make-good' the surround afterwards......... to be continued

1 comment:

  1. I Wish i had a pool.


    be glad to have you make an attempt at the project though. Who knows may be more exciting if your away from home.

    make you see everything in a different way.

    take care.
